7 Makanan Tinggi Kalori yang “Buruk” tapi Tetap Enak, Rekomendasi Dietitian

Bad High Calorie Foods to Add to Your Diet According to Dietitians e846fe1803644fd3af99cee16a9720c3 - 7 Makanan Tinggi Kalori yang

Foods high in calories are often seen in a negative light due to their potential to contribute to weight gain. However, it is important to remember that calories are simply a source of energy found in all foods. Some foods that are high in calories can actually be nutritious and beneficial for our bodies. In this article, we explore some “bad” high-calorie foods that you should consider adding to your diet.

### Whole Eggs
– Whole eggs are often criticized for their fat and cholesterol content, but they are rich in protein and essential vitamins.
– Sandra Chavez, M.S., RDN, comments that eggs are nutrition powerhouses and cholesterol from eggs does not appear to impact “bad” cholesterol levels.

### Whole Milk
– Amy Goldsmith, RDN, notes that full-fat dairy, like whole milk, contains essential amino acids, vitamin D, and calcium, making it a valuable source of nutrients.
– Unlike some substitutes, whole milk has zero added sugar and offers a high biological value protein.

### Pasta
– Contrary to popular belief, white pasta can be nutritious with its fiber, protein, iron, and B vitamins content.
– Consider opting for whole-wheat pasta with added veggies and protein to enhance its nutritional value.

### Potatoes
– Despite their high glycemic index, potatoes are rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamins like C and magnesium.
– Brooke Baird, RDN, LD, highlights that potatoes are cost-effective and nutrient-dense additions to your diet.

### Cheese
– Cheese is high in calories but provides essential nutrients like calcium and protein.
– Krista Wale, RD, LDN, emphasizes that cheese supports bone health and muscle maintenance.

### Nuts and Seeds
– Nuts and seeds are packed with heart-healthy fats, fiber, and minerals like magnesium and selenium.
– Christine Byrne, M.P.H., RD, recommends incorporating peanut butter for a nutritious boost in your diet.

### Salad Dressing
– Salad dressings made with unsaturated fats can enhance nutrient absorption and provide essential vitamins like A, K, E, and D.
– Alyssa Smolen, M.S., RDN, CDN, suggests drizzling olive oil on salads for maximum benefits.

In conclusion, focusing solely on the calorie content of foods may not be the best approach to a healthy diet. High-calorie foods can offer important nutrients that are beneficial for overall health. By considering the nutrient composition of foods like pasta, full-fat dairy, eggs, and others, you can make informed choices that support your well-being. Don’t be afraid to include these “bad” high-calorie foods in your diet for a balanced and nutritious eating plan.


Makanan yang kaya kalori sering kali di-demonisasi dalam budaya diet saat ini. Namun, sebenarnya ada banyak makanan yang tinggi kalori namun juga kaya gizi. Beberapa di antaranya adalah telur utuh, susu utuh, pasta, kentang, keju, kacang-kacangan & biji-bijian, dan saus salad. Meskipun tinggi kalori, makanan-makanan ini masih memiliki manfaat gizi yang baik. Jadi, apakah Anda termasuk orang yang menghindari makanan tinggi kalori secara keseluruhan? Apa makanan tinggi kalori favorit Anda yang sebenarnya kaya nutrisi? Beri komentar di bawah!

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