Panel Yang Dipasang Ulang Oleh Boeing Meledak dari Pesawat 737 Max Jet

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Boeing’s Door Panel Blows Opened in Flight 1282, Washington Alaskan Airlines Just Shorty After Covid-19 became airborne, Alaska Airlines was among the first airlines to receive. However, a month before it was delivered, reports emerged that Boeing’s production of the aircraft may have involved a few mishaps. The details could answer a crucial question about why the door plug detached from Flight 1282 at 16,000 feet, forcing the pilots to make an emergency landing at Portland International Airport in Oregon minutes after taking off on Jan. 5. Here’s what we know so far.

Lingering Concerns on Boeing’s Aircraft Quality Control
The recent incident has raised fresh concerns about Boeing’s quality control among investors, airline executives, pilots, passengers, and others in addition to regulators. Boeing’s share price has fallen 14 percent since the blowout. The scary situation has caused much concern and angst, with airlines and passengers afraid of something similar occurring in the future.

New Instructions for Airlines
The F.A.A. on Wednesday approved detailed instructions for how airlines should inspect the door plugs on about 170 grounded planes. United Airlines said it would begin inspecting its 79 Max 9 planes under the new guidelines and planned to start using them again on flights on Sunday. Alaska Airlines said it planned to put a “few planes” back into service on Friday and expected to complete inspections on all 65 of its Max 9 jets over the next week. Boeing remains dedicated to improving the quality and safety of its planes, which may give some reassurance to stakeholders.

Inquiry from Lawmakers
Boeing has come under scrutiny from lawmakers in Congress. This include an investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration. The plane company and its leaders have had to answer for serious problems in the past with its planes. With these investigations, stakeholders hope to have more clarity on what went wrong and what Boeing plans to change in the future.

Boeing’s Action Plan
Boeing is already taking steps to address these issues. It remains in damage-control mode as the company conducts a “quality stand-down” during which production, delivery and support teams will stop work to attend learning sessions on quality. The company said it intended to conduct similar pauses at all of its commercial airplane factories and fabrication sites in the coming weeks. These proactive steps could potentially turn the situation in a better direction.

The F.A.A.’s Decision
The F.A.A. said that it would not allow Boeing to expand production of any new planes in the 737 Max series, a linchpin of the company’s commercial plane business, until the agency was convinced that quality control had improved. This pressure from the FAA, along with the comprehensive inspections being carried out by airlines, shows the level of concern and seriousness with which this situation is being addressed. The public wants to know that these planes are safe and that the recent ordeal is just that – a singular incident.

After getting a myriad of perspectives, it is clear that everyone – from stakeholders to the airlines – is eager to ensure that Boeing’s planes are adequately compliant with safety standards. The recent incident has urged for increased inspections and quality control measures to be taken. Boeing must take steps to ensure that such issues are preempted and resolved, to reassure the public and regain trust.


Hampir tiga minggu setelah lubang meledak di Boeing 737 Max 9 selama penerbangan Alaska Airlines, detail baru tentang produksi pesawat tersebut semakin memperketat penelusuran terhadap praktik pengendalian mutu Boeing. Insiden ini telah memicu kekhawatiran tentang keselamatan pesawat tertentu dan menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang praktik manufaktur Boeing. Detil ini baru-baru ini diungkap mengenai insiden keluarnya plug pintu pada pesawat Alaska Airlines. Ada pemirsa yang melihat laporan tentang insiden ini dan pesawat terbang Boeing terkait lainnya? Bagaimana pandangan Anda tentang langkah-langkah perbaikan kesalahan mutu yang akan diambil oleh Boeing? Saat kami mengetahui lebih banyak tentang insiden ini, bagaimana wewenang Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) harus bertindak? Jangan ragu untuk berbagi komentar dan pandangan Anda di bagian komentar di bawah!

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