Penelitian: Ekspatriat Mengalami Stres Tinggi, Namun Bisa Mengatasi Burnout dengan Lebih Baik

107407388 1714382219367 IMG 3905 scaled - Penelitian: Ekspatriat Mengalami Stres Tinggi, Namun Bisa Mengatasi Burnout dengan Lebih Baik

Globally mobile individuals, those who live and work overseas, are an increasingly important part of the workforce in various markets. The 2024 Cigna Healthcare Vitality Study, which surveyed over 10,000 people, including more than 2,600 globally mobile individuals in 12 different markets, found that these individuals tend to have higher vitality scores compared to those who live in their home countries. Despite reporting higher levels of stress and burnout, globally mobile individuals exhibit unique skills and high motivation, leading to a higher sense of health, capability, energy, and purpose.

The study revealed that globally mobile employees often experience better mental well-being and are more likely to be engaged, energized, and enthusiastic at work than their local counterparts. However, they also face challenges such as financial constraints, homesickness, difficulty maintaining work-life balance, health issues, and housing difficulties. In Asia, particularly in Singapore, Hong Kong, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, stress levels are notably higher compared to Europe.

According to Wendy Sherry, CEO for Global Health Benefits at Cigna Healthcare, globally mobile individuals show resilience and adaptability, contributing to their higher vitality scores. She emphasizes the importance of employers addressing work-life balance, social well-being, and providing comprehensive support beyond just physical and mental health dimensions. It’s crucial to recognize that despite the resilience displayed by globally mobile individuals, their stress and burnout levels should not be disregarded.

In light of the study’s findings, it is evident that globally mobile individuals face both advantages and challenges in their unique lifestyle. The need for a holistic approach from employers to support these individuals is crucial in ensuring their well-being and productivity. By understanding these dynamics, companies can better cater to the needs of their globally mobile workforce, ultimately creating a more supportive and conducive work environment.


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