Ini 24 Tren Orangtua yang Tidak Disetujui Guru di Tahun 2024

original 712 1717009389 2 - Ini 24 Tren Orangtua yang Tidak Disetujui Guru di Tahun 2024

The modern relationship between parents and teachers has shifted dramatically from decades past, with parents now quick to defend their children without considering the full story. This can create conflict and strain on the teacher-student-parent dynamic, as highlighted in a recent anecdote from a middle school teacher with 20 years of experience. In this article, we will explore the implications of this shift and how it affects the educational system as a whole.

The automatic assumption of parents siding with their children can be detrimental to the learning environment within schools. Rather than working together to support the child’s education, this approach can lead to a lack of trust between teachers and parents. As the teacher mentioned, this dynamic can be demoralizing and undermine the efforts of educators who are simply trying to help their students learn and grow.

Challenges arise when parents refuse to acknowledge that their children are capable of making mistakes. This refusal to accept responsibility for their child’s actions can hinder the learning process, as it prevents important lessons from being learned. By constantly defending their children, parents may unintentionally be hindering their academic and personal development.

According to research, children’s brains are still developing and they often lack the ability to make sound judgments. This is why the role of teachers is crucial in helping children learn from their mistakes and grow into responsible individuals. When parents automatically assume that the teacher is at fault, they are depriving their children of valuable learning opportunities.

Statistics show that the shift in the parent-teacher relationship has become a widespread issue in the education system. A survey conducted among teachers revealed that a significant number of educators feel that parents are quick to blame them without fully understanding the situation. This lack of trust can be damaging and hinder the success of students in the long run.

In conclusion, it is essential for parents to trust the expertise of teachers and work collaboratively to support their children’s education. By fostering a positive relationship based on trust and open communication, parents and teachers can create a supportive environment where students can thrive. It is important to remember that teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of children and should be supported rather than undermined.


Sebuah cerita yang disampaikan oleh seorang guru SMP yang telah berpengalaman selama 20 tahun. Kini, ketika seorang guru menghubungi orangtua siswa, respon yang diterima adalah “Apa yang sudah kau lakukan pada anak saya?” Daripada “Apa yang telah anak saya lakukan?”. Hal ini menunjukkan asumsi bahwa anak selalu benar dan guru selalu salah atau membohongi, serta menempatkan semua kendali pada tangan anak, bukan guru atau orangtua. Bagaimana pendapat Anda mengenai hal ini? Apakah Anda setuju bahwa guru dan orangtua seharusnya bekerja sama dalam mendidik anak? Silakan berikan komentar dan pendapat Anda di bawah ini.

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