Jasmine Bintang ‘The Traitors’ Mengaku Takut Keluar Rumah Akibat Ujaran Kebencian Online

132832009 460116 1 - Jasmine Bintang 'The Traitors' Mengaku Takut Keluar Rumah Akibat Ujaran Kebencian Online

**Jasmine Boatswain’s Struggle with Online Abuse**

Jasmine Boatswain, a contestant on the reality show Traitors, recently opened up about the online abuse she faced after her appearance on the show. The 26-year-old from London revealed that the negative attention affected her mental health and made her feel “really, really low.”

**Impact of Online Hate**

Jasmine shared that the online hate she received made her reluctant to leave the house and impacted her self-esteem. She expressed her desire to show the human side of her personality beyond what viewers saw on the show.

**Struggles of Being in the Public Eye**

Despite her popularity on the show, Jasmine’s increased visibility led to her being recognized on the street. The volume and nature of online comments made her worry about facing abuse in public, affecting her overall well-being.

**Support and Recovery**

Jasmine credits the aftercare team from The Traitors for helping her through the difficult time. Regular check-ins and support from the team aided her in overcoming the negativity she encountered online.

**Impact of Social Media on Mental Health**

Jasmine highlights the constant exposure to negative content on social media, especially for young people. The charity YoungMinds also emphasizes the potential negative impacts of the online world.

**Advice for Those Facing Online Abuse**

For anyone struggling with online abuse, taking a break from social media and curating a feed that promotes positive feelings is crucial. Seeking help and support is essential, and sharing experiences like Jasmine’s can help normalize the conversation around mental health and online abuse.


Jasmine Boatswain, bintang “The Traitors”, mengungkapkan bahwa ia mengalami pelecehan online setelah tampil di acara tersebut yang membuatnya kesulitan untuk keluar rumah. Bagaimana pengalaman Jasmine ini memengaruhi kesehatan mentalnya? Bagaimana ia mengatasi keadaan tersebut dan apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari pengalamannya? Menurut Anda, bagaimana peran media sosial dalam kesehatan mental generasi muda? Bagikan pendapat dan pengalaman Anda di kolom komentar!

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