**Gallup Global Emotions Report 2024: Mixed Bag for Malta**
The recently published Gallup Global Emotions Report 2024 reveals a positive rebound worldwide in emotions after the COVID-19 pandemic. Negative emotions have decreased since 2014, with stress levels falling almost everywhere and positive emotions returning to pre-pandemic levels.
**Malta’s Emotional Landscape**
Malta saw marginal improvements in various indicators, with decreases in anger, sadness, pain, and worry, and increases in enjoyment, learning, and smiling. However, stress levels rose significantly, with over half of the adult population reporting feeling stressed the day prior to the survey.
**Comparison with Other Countries**
Malta ranks among the top 30% for feeling well-rested, midway for smiling/laughter, respect, and learning, but in the bottom 25% for enjoyment. The country also ranks highly for stress and worry, with only a few countries reporting higher levels of stress and worry than Malta.
**Factors Contributing to Stress**
Malta’s high population density, urbanization, motorization, noise levels, and long working hours may contribute to the high levels of stress reported. Perceptions of corruption may also play a role, as Malta scores lower on the Corruption Perceptions Index compared to other countries.
**Call for Research and Action**
There is an urgent need for research to understand the underlying causes of stress and worry in Malta and to develop effective policy solutions. The University of Malta and the Malta Foundation for the Well-being of Society are working on investigating this issue to promote well-being in the country.
Despite Malta’s strong performance in human development indicators, the high levels of stress and worry raise concerns about the overall well-being of the population. Addressing these issues will be crucial for improving the quality of life in Malta.
Laporan Emosi Global Gallup 2024 (menggambarkan data 2023) baru saja dipublikasikan, dan sementara itu merupakan kabar baik bagi dunia, untuk Malta merupakan situasi yang ambigu. Data ini menunjukkan perubahan emosi global setelah COVID-19, di mana indeks emosi negatif menurun, tetapi bagaimana dengan Malta? Bagaimana tingkat stres dan kebahagiaan di negara ini? Masyarakat Malta sekarang lebih banyak belajar sesuatu daripada tahun sebelumnya, tetapi mereka juga mengalami tingkat stres yang lebih tinggi. Mengapa demikian? Mari berdiskusi tentang temuan menarik ini dan bagikan pemikiran Anda di kolom komentar!
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