Minuman berkarbonasi, makanan instan, dan sereal manis ‘berhubungan dengan kecemasan dan penyakit’ – Temukan bahaya dibalik makanan cepat saji yang merugikan!

TELEMMGLPICT000368495611 17091434454100 trans NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwfSVWeZ vEN7c6bHu2jJnT8 - Minuman berkarbonasi, makanan instan, dan sereal manis 'berhubungan dengan kecemasan dan penyakit' - Temukan bahaya dibalik makanan cepat saji yang merugikan!

Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) have been linked to 32 different health issues, according to a study. These include fizzy drinks, ready meals, and sugary cereals, which have become a significant part of the British diet, making up more than half of some people’s daily calorie intake. UPFs are defined as food made from “industrial formulations” that cannot be replicated in a domestic kitchen.

The study, which analyzed 45 different analyses involving almost 10 million participants, found a connection between UPFs and health issues such as cancer risk, high blood pressure, anxiety, asthma, and Type 2 diabetes. Consumption of UPFs was associated with a 50% increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and a 50% higher risk of anxiety and common mental disorders.

Data for the study came from various sources, including questionnaires and self-reports of individuals’ recent diets. Scientists from Deakin University in Australia, who conducted the study, are urging for urgent research and public health measures to reduce UPF consumption. They suggest implementing labels on packaging, advertising restrictions, and banning sales of UPFs near schools.

While some scientists have criticized the study, doubting the inherent harm of UPFs, the authors of an accompanying editorial from the University of São Paulo suggest implementing measures similar to those used for tobacco control. They also call on the United Nations to coordinate efforts internationally to address the issue of UPFs.

Reliably measuring UPF intake is challenging due to flaws in diet recall, according to Professor Gunter Kuhnle from Reading University. The study found weak links between UPFs and various health conditions, with only a few conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, having a moderate quality rating. Some claims in the study, according to Kuhnle, are confusing and exaggerated.

In conclusion, reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods may help improve overall health and reduce the risk of various health conditions. Implementing stricter regulations and public health initiatives could help combat the detrimental effects of UPFs on individuals’ health. More research and collaboration among countries are needed to address the issue effectively.


Makanan ultra diproses (UPF) dikaitkan dengan 32 masalah kesehatan berbeda, menurut sebuah studi. Minuman bersoda, makanan siap saji, dan sereal manis telah menjadi bagian penting dari diet masyarakat Inggris dan menyumbang lebih dari setengah asupan kalori harian beberapa orang. Namun, sejumlah ilmuwan mempertanyakan klaim bahwa UPF secara intrinsik buruk. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang hal ini? Apakah Anda mengonsumsi makanan ultra diproses? Dan apa tindakan kesehatan publik yang menurut Anda perlu diambil terkait masalah ini? Ayo berikan pendapat dan komentar Anda di bawah!

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