Paris Hilton Memberikan Kesaksian di Depan Kongres Mengenai Pusat Rehabilitasi Remaja yang Bermasalah

27paris hilton item qvpw facebookJumbo - Paris Hilton Memberikan Kesaksian di Depan Kongres Mengenai Pusat Rehabilitasi Remaja yang Bermasalah

Paris Hilton recently testified in a congressional hearing about the physical and psychological abuse she endured at youth residential treatment facilities as a teenager. The reality TV star and heiress shared her harrowing experience of being violently restrained, stripped naked, and placed in solitary confinement during her stays at these facilities. Her testimony was part of an effort to reauthorize a program that aims to prevent child abuse and neglect.

Residential facilities for teenagers have come under increased scrutiny in recent years due to reports of deaths and abuse. Sarah Font, an expert in child abuse and neglect within foster care, emphasized the importance of funding and services to provide appropriate care to parents and children. Dr. Font highlighted the preference for kinship or nonrelative foster care over residential settings for children who can be safe and properly cared for in those environments.

Paris Hilton’s advocacy work includes calling for more regulation of the youth residential care industry and supporting federal and state bills to protect children in these facilities. She is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of America’s youth, especially those in the foster care system. Hilton’s determination to use her platform for activism and bring attention to the mistreatment of children in residential facilities is commendable.

Ms. Hilton’s testimony shed light on the challenges faced by over 50,000 foster youth who are placed in residential treatment facilities each year. She called on representatives to prioritize community-based resources to keep vulnerable children out of these facilities. By sharing her own experiences of abuse and advocating for better care for children in the system, Paris Hilton is making a significant impact on child welfare policies and practices.

The importance of listening to children in the system and providing them with a safe and supportive environment cannot be understated. Paris Hilton’s efforts to advocate for children’s rights in residential facilities demonstrate her commitment to making a positive change in the lives of vulnerable youth. Her testimony serves as a powerful reminder that every child deserves to be seen, believed, and supported, no matter their circumstances.


Paris Hilton menceritakan pengalaman fisik dan psikologis buruknya di fasilitas perawatan kelompok sebagai remaja. Dia bersaksi tentang kekerasan, penahanan secara brutal, dan pelecehan seksual yang dia alami saat dirawat di fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut. Hilton berbicara di hadapan Komite House Ways and Means sebagai bagian dari upaya bipartisan untuk mewujudkan program yang menyediakan sumber daya bagi negara bagian untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan dan pengabaian anak. Apa pendapat Anda tentang pengalaman Hilton? Bagaimana kita bisa menjaga anak-anak yang rentan tetap jauh dari fasilitas yang tidak aman? Silakan berikan komentar dan pandangan Anda.

Apakah Anda setuju dengan pernyataan Hilton tentang perlunya investasi dalam perawatan kerabat untuk anak-anak yang dirawat? Bagaimana menurut Anda cara terbaik untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan anak di fasilitas perawatan? Berikan pendapat dan pengalaman Anda dalam komentar di bawah.

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