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The Arc of Oblivion: Exploring the Meaning of Archiving

Ian Cheney’s documentary, “The Arc of Oblivion,” intriguingly exploring the themes of preservation, memory, and the futility of preserving anything. Cheney is building an ark the size of a guesthouse in his parents’ rural Maine backyard, not to rescue humanity, but to raise the questions of what from this world is worth saving. This led him to consult various specialists in fields to understand why and how humans try to preserve memories, and the futility of the task. Cheney’s middle-aged quest started with his own digital footage because he is a filmmaker in this digital age.

Digital Preservation and Futility of Storing Memories

Life in the Digital Age poses numerous questions about permanence and the futility of storing memories. For instance, we live in a world in which movies, photos, music, and more are essentially one wrong button push away from disappearing entirely. Cheney’s film explores how storing memories in a relatively unstable form can prompt instability in a person’s sense of self. He is exploring the permanence of those things because they are so easily disposable and how his middle-aged quest began with his digital footage is very intentional.

“The Ark of Oblivion” – An Ageless Concern

The documentation delves deeper into the concept of preserving memories as it inherently unfolds a beautiful optimism. Cheney believes that human’s efforts to preserve memories are an essential part of what it means to be human. Maybe, the act of trying to preserve is far more meaningful than if those efforts succeed or not. Despite the fact that most people have been forgotten and most artworks destroyed, in his attempt to imagine why and how we try to preserve memories, Cheney unearths something beautiful: We try to remember not just ourselves, but other people, and that’s what’s behind the efforts.

Preservation and Future Perspectives

“How from this world is worth saving?” – Ian Cheney, sets out to answer this thought-provoking query and raises the notion of whether the universe ultimately arcs toward oblivion and what ultimately matters is what we do now. Cheney’s exploration sheds light on an age-old concern surrounding the act of preserving memories and makes a point by recognizing the inherent optimism and importance of it.

Understanding Through Art – Herzog’s Poetic Input

Cheney also gets a visit from Werner Herzog, who reads “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley. This is meant to underscore the widespread desire to immortalize oneself indefinitely, juxtaposed with the uncertainty of what “lone and level sands” might remain from the passage of time. This scene represents the movie’s engagement with the act of preserving oneself through art and captures the broader significance of preserving ourselves and other people as a pivotal part of what it means to be human.


Dokumenter “The Arc of Oblivion” adalah sebuah refleksi tentang kehancuran dan keinginan manusia untuk menyelamatkan kenangan. Ian Cheney membangun sebuah bahtera di halaman rumah orang tuanya sebagai simbolis dari upaya untuk melestarikan kenangan. Film ini menyentuh topik tentang keabadian, keinginan untuk mengabadikan dan menatap masa depan. Apakah kamu juga merasa terpukau dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam film ini? Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang usaha manusia untuk melestarikan kenangan? Do you agree with the filmmaker’s view that the act of trying to preserve is far more meaningful than whether or not those efforts succeed? Bagikan pendapat dan komentarmu di bagian komentar!

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